20 biggest cities in Brazil

The capital of the state of São Paulo is the largest city in Brazil and also in the southern hemi...

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If there is no payment of debts, does it cease to exist?

During tough economic times, when spending exceeds budget, consumers may not always be able to pa...

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Sexagenarian Act (1885)

Sexagenarian Act (1885)

A Sexagenarian Law, also known as Saraiva-Cotegipe Law, was promulgated on September 28, 1885, an...

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She's Not Dead, Just Sleeping: Meet the Mysterious Rose of Jericho

She's Not Dead, Just Sleeping: Meet the Mysterious Rose of Jericho

You must know the sleeping beauty story, Is not it? The princess who was cursed by a witch when s...

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Itaú accounts were used to pay salaries to Nubank employees

Despite having “bank” in its name, which means bank in English, Nubank is not actually a bank. Ap...

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Insects in houses: Meet some pets that share the home with you!

All houses are susceptible to harboring some insects, which usually stop there to find safe shelt...

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Shopee opens enrollment for its first trainee program in Brazil

Since February 7th, the Shopee e-commerce store has been accepting applications for its trainee p...

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Who has priority in Brazil aid?

Auxílio Brasil is the largest income transfer program in the country, currently with approximatel...

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Getting rid of rats once and for all! See this natural method

Having rats in the house can be a huge danger. This is because these rodents can transmit various...

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Main battles of World War I

Main battles of World War I

A First World War (1914-1918) was a conflict that involved several battles and numerous deaths.Be...

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Try Solving This IQ Test: Find The Woman's Face In The Image

Try Solving This IQ Test: Find The Woman's Face In The Image

One image it may not just be what it seems to mean. The optical illusion, for example, confuses o...

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Diabetes: can people with the disease eat cheese?

Some illnesses imply dietary restrictions and it is always very difficult. However, it is possibl...

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