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In a war, a small detail can be critical for crossing the line between triumph and defeat. It is not by chance that several strategies are used so that soldiers follow, as accurately as possible, the recommendation of their commanders and take some action. Often, given the urgency of some measure, the military was oriented “on the fly”.

Currently, this expression refers to every act performed with agility and determination. In times past, this expression referred to the custom that military leaders had of using the touch of the box, a kind of drum, to guide their soldiers. The invention reached Europe through the expansion of Muslims, who already made use of this instrument to promote religious rituals and military meetings.

The presence of these drums among the ranks of Arab armies eventually reached the Iberian Peninsula, which was conquered by Muslims in the 8th century. Generally, the way in which the drum was played indicated the performance of some act to be performed in the heat of battle. Without a doubt, sound propagation was much more efficient compared to sending a messenger or written document.

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Even with the expulsion of Muslims from the Iberian Peninsula, the expression ended up being used by the Portuguese, who later took it upon themselves to bring it to Brazilian lands. Today we live in a world that moves “at the touch of a box”, considering the ease of the means of communication and the expansion of daily tasks. Despite this, we cannot forget that rest is essential for us to withstand the demands of everyday life.

By Rainer Sousa
Graduated in History

Source: Brazil School -
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