CAREFUL! These factors can make your home a target for thieves.

Our home is our refuge, and it is important to ensure its safety at all times. Although no one is immune to robberies, there are steps we can take to reduce the chances of being targeted.

Thinking about it, we separate 6 habits that may be making your home more vulnerable. Check them out and stop making them right now!

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Here are some things to look out for to keep your home safe:

1. Put keys in obvious places

Avoid leaving an extra key in predictable places, such as under the mat. Find a safer hiding place.

After all, people are getting smarter when it comes to “trickery” and many already know that people usually keep their keys in that place.

2. key placement

Leaving keys near doors or windows makes it easier for intruders to gain access. In order not to get yourself into an unsafe situation, avoid putting your bunch of keys so at the mercy of thieves.

3. Post photos showing that you are traveling

Share images of your vacation on social media she reports that her house is empty. Avoid this exposure.

4. Leaving the mailbox overflowing

A full mailbox is a clear sign of the absence of people in the house. To avoid this, ask someone to check your mail or temporarily cancel some delivery services.

5. Have flimsy or glass balcony doors

Old or glass doors are vulnerable. Consider reinforcing them with more secure locks, adding grilles or alarms.

6. leave windows open

We know that there are many places in Brazil where it is very hot. But even if it's just a little bit, leaving a window open when you're not home is not a good idea.

Thieves can seize the opportunity to stealyour belongings and leave you a great loss.

Also remember to invest in additional security measures, such as surveillance cameras and alarm systems, to further strengthen the protection of your home.

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