Domain, co-domain and image

One occupation is a rule that relates each element of a set A to a single element of the set B. In this definition, set A is called domain, and set B is the counter-domain of the function. In addition to these two sets, there is a subset of counter-domain called Image.

The representation of a function in algebraic form can be done as follows:

Data the sets A and B, a occupation f is the rule:

f: A → B
y = f(x)

the symbology THE B means that the elements of set A are related to the elements of set B through the occupation f. In other words, given any element belonging to the set A, this element will be related to a single element of the set B through the function f.

If x is any number belonging to set A, so x is called independent variable. If y is any number in the set B, then y is called dependent variable. In other words, the independent variable has its values ​​determined by domain gives occupation, and the values ​​of variabledependent are found in the counter-domain.

The independent variable is known as such because its values ​​do not depend on another.

variable or the rule of occupation to exist. Its values ​​only need the definition of the domain of the function. The values ​​of the dependent variable, as the name already indicates, depend on the function's formation rule and domain values.


given to occupation:

f: A → B
y = f(x)

O set A is the domain of the function f. This set is formed by all the numbers that can take the place of x in the law of formation of the function, if x is the letter chosen to represent the variableindependent.

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All elements that belong to the domain of a occupation are dominant in it, that is, their values ​​determine the values ​​of the other variable. Because of this, this name was chosen for this set.


f: N → Z
y = x2

The domain of this function is the set of natural numbers. Therefore, the numbers that can be put in place of x, to find their respective values ​​in the counter-domain, they are:

N = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …}


given to occupation:

f: A → B
y = f(x)

Your counter-domain is set B. This set is formed by the elements that can take the place of y in the law of formation of the function, if y is the letter chosen to represent the dependent variable.

All values ​​that belong to the counter domain of the occupation can be related to a value of the domain, but it can also happen that not all elements of the counterdomain are related to some element of the domain.


f: N → Z
y = x2

In this role, the elements that belong to the set From numberswhole and that are related to some element of the domain are just the perfect squares.

{0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, …}

Note that the negative numbers, although they are in the counter-domain, were not "used" in this occupation.


the image of a occupation it's the set of all the numbers of the counter-domain that are related to some element of the domain. Example:

f: N → Z
y = x2

THE Image of that occupation it is just the set of perfect squares.

By Luiz Paulo Moreira
Graduated in Mathematics

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

SILVA, Luiz Paulo Moreira. "Domain, co-domain and image"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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