Male postpartum depression. Postpartum depression in men

It is known that many women suffer from baby blues (or puerperal, also called baby blues), due to several factors, mainly emotional and hormonal. Surprisingly, this picture is not restricted to ex-pregnant women!


Some men may also have this type of depression, but it's usually milder. In most cases, it manifests itself in men who are prone to depression, although several other factors may be involved, directly or not.

One of the main ones is the feeling of exclusion towards mother and baby, who, in these initial periods after childbirth, tend to be the center of attention. It is for this reason, in fact, that the condition can appear even before childbirth, even during the gestational period.

In cases where the mother has postpartum depression, the risk of her partner developing this condition is greater; just like when it comes to “first time parents”. This is because both are situations in which tension and anxiety levels are significant. The fear of not being a good father, fears related to the financial factor, the concern with supporting the family (especially when he is the only or main one provider) and the overload that arises due to the new context in which it is inserted are other factors that can affect the way you see and react to situations.

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Symptoms include loss of sleep and appetite, apathy, irritability, insecurity, anxiety, loss of libido, difficulty making decisions, emergence of psychosomatic illnesses and greater exposure to accidents and inappropriate behaviors - such as the cultivation of extramarital relationships, alcoholism etc.

 What to do about this problem?

Since this condition, which affects about 10% of new parents, tends to be disabling and can become a factor that interferes with all family dynamics; it is important that the person in question seek medical help. In many cases, the partner's own obstetrician is able to guide him and suggest measures or referrals to other professionals.

In addition to psychotherapeutic follow-up, psychiatric treatment is usually necessary. A good diet, exercise and performing tasks that provide pleasure are some additional measures that can help the male victim of this condition.

See more!
Baby blues
male pregnancy

By Mariana Araguaia
Biologist, specialist in Environmental Education
Brazil School Team

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ARAGUAIA, Mariana. "Male postpartum depression"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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