Definition of Domestic Violence (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Domestic violence is all types of violence that are practiced among members who inhabit a common family environment. It can happen between people with blood ties (such as parents and children), or civilly united (such as husband and wife or son-in-law and mother-in-law).

Domestic violence can be subdivided into Physical violence, psychological, sexual, patrimonial and moral. Domestic violence is also the sexual abuse of a child and mistreatment of the elderly.

All domestic violence is reprehensible, but the most sensitive cases are child domestic violence, because children are more vulnerable and have no means of defense. Even when domestic violence is not aimed directly at the child, the child can be left with psychological trauma.

Many cases of domestic violence occur due to the consumption of alcohol and drugs, but they can also be motivated by jealousy attacks.

Most verified cases are of Domestic violence against women, but there are also cases of domestic violence against men. Every day, the police receive approximately 2,000 complaints from people who claim to have suffered domestic violence.

As with many problems in our society, prevention is often the best solution. Many experts indicate that in the case of domestic violence, monitoring couples before the problem occurs is crucial. In addition, it is important that there is immediate action by various entities when the first signs of domestic violence appear.

domestic violence in Brazil

In Brazil, domestic violence is a problem faced predominantly by women.

According to data from the Women's Call Center of the Secretariat for Women's Policies of the Presidency of Republic, in 2014, approximately 43% of women who are in situations of violence are attacked daily.

In 2015, a survey conducted through the DataSenado revealed that one in five Brazilian women have already suffered physical aggression, whether by the husband, boyfriend, partner or ex-partner.

That same year, the topic was widely discussed at the National Secondary Education Examination (ENEM), which urged students to build an essay on “The persistence of violence against women in Brazilian society”.

See also the meaning of femicide.

Maria da Penha Law

Law nº 11.340 of August 7, 2006, also known as Maria da Penha Law, aims to deal adequately with the problem of domestic violence.

According to article 5 of the law "constitutes domestic and family violence against women any action or omission based on gender that causes her death, injury, physical, sexual or psychological suffering and moral or property damage".

Despite the creation of this law, the number of victims of domestic violence in Brazil has not decreased. According to data from an August 2013 survey by the IPEA (Institute for Applied Economic Research), in some cases there was even an increase. ~

According to the SSP (Secretariat of Public Security) in São Paulo there was a 10% growth comparing the first semesters of 2012 and 2013.

About 54% of the fatalities were women between 20 and 39 years old, and approximately 31% of the cases occurred on public roads, with half of the homicides carried out with firearms.

With the Maria da Penha Law, the aggressor can be punished with 1 to 3 years of imprisonment, in addition to being obliged to participate in re-education programs.

See also the meaning of protective measure, Maria da Penha Law and femicide.

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