Marketing: what is it, what is the importance and its different types

Marketing is the set of techniques and methods applied to the study of market needs and its main components, such as audiences, sales and products for the development of companies.

It is a word derived from the English term market, which means market, that is, the study of the causes, objectives and results produced through the different ways in which companies deal with the market.

what the marketing study?

O marketing it studies the causes and mechanisms that govern exchange relations (goods, services or ideas) carried out within four main axes: price, distribution, communication and product.

He intends the outcome of a relationship to be a transaction (sale) satisfactory to all parties participating in the process.

Marketing it is the science and art of exploiting, creating and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit. Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires. It defines, measures and quantifies the identified market size and profit potential. (Philip Kotler)

Despite this, the marketing it means more than selling, because selling is a one-way process. It is a two-way process, with the objective of ensuring the getting the greatest benefit possible. In this area, advanced knowledge regarding market prospecting and opinion polling is applied.

O marketingit's a philosophy: a mental posture, an attitude, a way of conceiving exchange relations. It's also a technique: a specific way of executing an exchange relationship (ie identifying, creating, developing and serving demand). O marketing aims to maximize consumption, consumer satisfaction, choice and quality of life.

The 4P's of marketing

Philip Kotler created a concept that is still used today called Marketing Mix, also known as the 4P's of marketing: product, price, place and promotion.

This concept brings together the four main characteristics that are worked by the marketing to achieve the best possible result in your strategies.

  • Product: the product is the key part of the process of marketing, which is placed on the market to meet the needs of a group of potential customers. Thus, it is part of the study of marketing understand the need of potential customers to make a product available on the market that can meet the existing demand.
  • Price: is the final value that a customer must pay for a service, which is directly related to the way the sale occurs. This feature involves all aspects related to the final price of the product, such as ways and strategies used to facilitate payment.
  • square: the concept of square refers directly to the way the product is sold to the customer, as well as the choice of the best way to establish communication with consumers.
  • Promotion: promotion refers to the strategies that are used to demonstrate the potential of the placed product in the market, that is, the techniques that will be used to publicize the service or product placed on the sale.

Areas of performance of the marketing

O marketing it has a very broad area of ​​expertise, with specific concepts aimed at each related activity. For example: the marketing cultural, the marketing politician, the marketing of relationship, the marketing social, among others.

The work of the professional of marketing it starts long before the product is manufactured and continues long after its sale. He is a market researcher, a psychologist, a sociologist, an economist, a communicator, a lawyer, all rolled into one.

In Business Administration, the marketing is a set of activities that involve the process of creating, planning and developing products or services that satisfy the consumer's needs. It also refers to communication and sales strategies that outperform the competition.

In marketing, the concept of value can be defined as all the benefits generated for the customer due to the sacrifice made by the customer in the acquisition of a product or service. Offering or adding value is a concept directly related to customer satisfaction, one of the main objectives of marketing.

The concept of marketing states that the company's most important task is to determine the needs and desires of consumers and seek to adapt the company to meet those desires.

Marketing digital

With the reach provided by the internet and the explosion of social networks, the concept of Marketing 3.0, in which companies seek a closer relationship with consumers and potential customers, monitoring their opinions about the services or products offered by the company.

O marketing digital consists of an approach that uses the internet and other digital media as a tool to achieve its goals.

In this way, consumers have a fundamental role in the creation of new products and services, suited to the real needs of the market.

Types of marketing

Marketing personal

O marketing Personal is a tool used for self-promotion as a way to achieve success. It is a strategy used to "sell" one's image, in addition to influencing the way other people look at those who use it.

In most occasions, this expression is used to designate a way of expressing oneself, which contributes to the achievement of a certain objective, such as a job, for example.

See more about the Marketing personal.

Marketing of relationship

This kind of marketing uses a set of actions and strategies to create and maintain a positive relationship with customers.

The biggest goal of the marketing of relationship is to win and retain customers, creating a close relationship with the brand, to the point that they become defenders and promoters of the same.

See more about the Marketing of relationship.

Marketing digital

O marketing digital is a set of dissemination and communication actions that a company or person uses on digital platforms, through the internet and electronic media.

It adopts product or service promotion practices through the use of distribution channels electronics, so that they reach consumers quickly in a relevant, personalized and more efficiency.

See more about the Marketing digital.

Marketing viral

Marketing viral is all advertising material that, when used, produces greater publicity for a brand, service or product, through the encouragement to carry forward the message conveyed in the material.

This dissemination action uses techniques that use other means of communication that already exist, such as social networks and the internet in general, to achieve its main objective.

See more about the Marketing viral.


trade marketing is a specific area of ​​the marketing rrelated to the increase in demand by the wholesaler, retailer or distributor and that can bring several benefits to these elements.

Despite not being directly focused on the end consumer, the trademarketing it should never be forgotten, because the consumer identifies and attributes value to a particular product. Thus, if people are not interested in the product, retailers will not be interested in marketing the product either.

See more about thetrade marketing.

inbound marketing

inbound marketing is a set of strategies for marketing which aims to voluntarily attract potential customers to the company.

This set of strategies is based on the idea of ​​creating and sharing content aimed at a target audience, so that you can gain permission to communicate with them more direct.

Inside inbound marketing there is the marketing of content, an area that has been growing a lot in recent years. It is an area specialized in producing content in order to increase engagement and bring new customers to a company.

The main strategy to achieve this goal is to be able to produce specialized content and targeted at the target audience, so that they attract the attention of consumers and increase the amount of new customers.

The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is fundamental in this process. It is a set of strategies that are used to ensure the optimization of search engines on the internet, making a particular site better positioned in search engines.

See more about Inbound Marketing and IF THE.

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