Meaning of Occupation (What it is, Concept and Definition)

occupation is take possession of something or fill a certain space. The word occupation is also related to the activity in which one works, such as professional occupation.

Doing an occupation or being in an occupation is taking over something or a place. This is how certain forms of social manifestations in which there is the occupation of public spaces are called, such as schools, universities or even squares and parks, in order to draw attention to a problem political/social.

Occupation as an act of working, as a service, is a way of saying what the person's function or profession is. In registers or questionnaires, "occupation" is sometimes asked, which the person must fill in with their training profession or work that they are currently performing.

The different occupations registered in Brazil are listed in Brazilian Classification of Occupations (CBO), or also called the Brazilian Occupation Code.

main occupation it is the activity in which the most attention is employed, being the largest or most relevant among the person's occupations. For example, a person can work as a singer and regularly do side jobs as a voice actress. But she considers her main occupation to be a singer.

To Civil right, occupation is one of the ways to acquire movable property. It is when the person or group takes possession of a mobile thing that is unowned or abandoned. If the property in question is immovable, such as a house or land, occupation may generate ownership but not ownership, due to the greater economic importance of real estate compared to furniture.

In Brazil there are several organizations and fronts that defend the urban occupation, which are groups taking possession of abandoned buildings, making the occupation of these houses by families unable to pay for their own houses.

Between the synonyms from the word occupation are appropriation, taking, possession, conquest and empowerment. There are also the terms profession, trade, function, position, employment, work, service, activity, to-do and task.

In English, occupation can be translated by occupation.

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