Dodgeball game. Burned

Queimada is a sports game often used as a children's game. The material used is a medium-sized volleyball or rubber ball. The site is a flat terrain, rectangular in shape, demarcated by lines that should be about 16 m in length. length by 8 m in width, being divided into two equal fields, by a straight and clearly drawn line on the ground. Land size may vary depending on the number of players.
The game can contain twenty or more players. The qualities developed are movement, dexterity, mastery and cooperation. The objective of the game is to make as many prisoners as possible in each camp. The winning group will be the one that takes the largest number of prisoners within a pre-set time, or else, the one that imprisons all opposing players.
Each team is located on a field and one of the players on each side must be placed behind the back line of the opposing field.
The game starts with the instructor's whistle, so a player from the party who was responsible for the ball throws it into the opponent's field with the objective of hitting, “burning”, any opposing player.

The dodgeball game can also be known by other names, such as: Barra Bola; Burnt Ball; Cemetery; Kill Kill; Soldier kill; Burned; Hunter in the states of Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul; Stamps in the state of Ceará; Shot in the state of Bahia.
In the dodgeball game there is no established number of participants, the rules are not very strict, but the objective is the same: Eliminate the opposing team.

By Patricia Lopes

Source: Brazil School -

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