The INSS announces the hiring of 1000 social security technicians

The hiring of a thousand social security technicians approved in the last public tender of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) was authorized and published in the Official Diary of the Union (DOU) this Monday, 12.

The Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services had already signed the hiring process last Wednesday, the 7th, with the aim of appointing public servants according to available vacancies. This measure aims to reinforce the INSS staff and improve the provision of services related to social security.

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On Twitter, Carlos Lupi, Minister of Social Security, announced that the release had been published in the DOU and celebrated the advance to work on behalf of Brazilians who are part of the Social Security Social.

Starting salary and number of vacancies for each state

The workers' starting salary will be BRL 5,905.79 for a 40-hour workweek. Vacancies were defined differently for each state, with the highest conditions for São Paulo and Minas Gerais. Check the distribution of vacancies:

  • Acre: 10;
  • Alagoas: 13;
  • Amapá: 11;
  • Amazons: 57;
  • Bahia: 51;
  • Ceará: 25;
  • Federal District: 8;
  • Holy Spirit: 11;
  • Goiás: 14;
  • Mato Grosso: 22;
  • Maranhao: 24;
  • Mato Grosso do Sul: 14;
  • Minas Gerais: 122;
  • Piauí: 10;
  • Paraná: 32;
  • Pará: 58;
  • Pernambuco: 31;
  • Paraíba: 16;
  • Rio de Janeiro: 192;
  • Rio Grande do Sul: 48;
  • Rio Grande do Norte: 16;
  • Roraima: 12;
  • Rondônia: 20;
  • Sergipe: 6;
  • Santa Catarina: 30;
  • Tocantins: 13;
  • São Paulo: 137.

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