Horizontal Release in Vacuum

A horizontal throw is a move composed of a horizontal move and a vertical move.
According to Galileo, if a piece of furniture presents a compound movement, each of the component movements takes place as if the others did not exist and in the same time interval. This is the principle of Simultaneity.
When a body is launched horizontally, it describes a parabolic motion relative to the Earth. According to the principle of simultaneity, the horizontal throw is the result of the composition of two simultaneous and independent movements: free fall and horizontal movement.

Horizontal Launch Graph

In free fall movement, vertical movement, the body moves due to the action of gravity. Thus, we can say that the motion is uniformly varied, as the gravitational acceleration is constant.
In the case of horizontal movement, the velocity v0 remains constant. Therefore, the movement is uniform. The speed of the mobile at the end of the path remains the same as at the beginning of that path.
At each point on the trajectory, the resulting velocity v of the launched body is the vector sum of velocity v0 in the x-axis (horizontal) direction with velocity vy in the y-axis (vertical) direction. The resulting velocity changes at each instant due to the alteration of the vertical velocity, whose module varies with the gravitational acceleration.

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It is important to point out that the initial velocity in the vertical direction is equal to zero, because at the beginning of the fall the rover has no vertical movement.
The equations for the horizontal launch are:
For the free fall movement:

y = gt

for horizontal movement

x = x0 + v0t

By Kléber Cavalcante
Graduated in Physics
Brazil School Team

mechanics - Physics - Brazil Escolca

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

CAVALCANTE, Kleber G. "Horizontal Vacuum Launch"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/fisica/lancamento-horizontal-no-vacuo.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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