What are healthy foods? Examples of healthy foods

Over time, the way in which food was seen and the type of food that became more consumed by the population changed a lot. For example, around the 1950s, most Brazilian families planted, raised animals and made the very foods they consumed, such as making sweets, cheeses, sausages and so on. against.

However, the food surplus over time came to be traded; with the development of the food industry, of household appliances such as the refrigerator, with the pace of work and with the monthly salary the need to stock and conserve these foods arose, as people bought food for the month whole. It also became necessary a greater variety of foods and ease in preparing them.

The result is that, unfortunately, many of these products are best sold for their appearance and taste rather than their nutritional aspect. It is not only at home that this happens, but in school environments as well. Mainly in private schools, where students who do not take snacks from home tend to buy in canteens, which offer more processed foods, rich in sugar and fat.

Thus, even eating regularly, children and adolescents - as well as the majority of the population - lack vitamins and essential nutrients for the body. This leads to a higher incidence of cases of cardiovascular and blood diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension and so on.

The diet of children and adults today is usually unhealthy

Thus, different sectors of society are promoting changes to promote healthy eating. One of these was made by the Ministry of Health, when launching the Manual of Healthy School Canteens: promoting healthy eating, with the objective of encouraging private schools to offer snacks that are less caloric and with greater nutritional value to students in their cafeterias.

But, before making these changes, it is essential to get information to know what healthy eating is, as many people do not eat properly because they do not know how to eat. Also, there are many misconceptions about what healthy eating would be. When some people think of foods like that, foods that are worse than the industrialized, in the sense that they have a bad taste or that they are said to be "tasteless", or that they are very difficult to prepare.

However, healthy eating must mean pleasure and health. the hang should be about food produced in the region, in nature and that have high nutritional value. The main ones are:

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  • Cereals, roots and tubers: are rich in complex carbohydrate that provides energy to carry out everyday activities and physical activities. Therefore, they should be consumed in greater quantities every day.

Examples: wheat, rice, corn, rye, barley, oats, bread, pasta, potatoes, yam, cassava.

Examples of cereals
  • Fruits, vegetables and vegetables: These are foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Maintaining the health and proper functioning of the body, and should be consumed in large quantities during the day.

Examples: apple, banana, papaya, orange, carrot, beetroot, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumber, watercress, onion, chard, kale, broccoli, celery etc.

Examples of Fruits, Vegetables and Vegetables
  • Legumes: rich in vegetable proteins, iron and fiber. But, they require attention when they are consumed, and should be in smaller quantities than the previous ones.

Examples: beans, lentils, peas, soybeans, chickpeas etc.

Examples of Legumes
  • Animal foods: These also need to be eaten in smaller amounts. They are foods rich in calcium and proteins, essential for the maintenance of health, strengthening, growth and formation of skin, nails, hair, teeth and bones.

Examples: meat (chicken, fish and red meat), milk, cheese and yogurt.

Examples of dairy and meat foods

See that healthy foods are tasty, at least they are considered that way by most people and that, in addition to the choice, it is necessary to think carefully about the amount in which they are eaten during the day.

You foods that are considered to be unhealthy are those in the following groups:

  • Sugars: sweets, candies, chocolates, ice cream, soft drinks, filled cookies, chewing gum, etc.;
  • Fats: fried foods, vegetable oils, margarine, butter, fast food, mayonnaise, curd etc.;
  • With excess salt: industrialized foods, such as snacks, ready-made sauces and seasonings, industrialized soups, etc.
Unhealthy foods whose consumption should be restricted

These foods should be consumed in very little quantity, as they pose health risks when consumed in excess.

By Jennifer Fogaça
Graduated in Chemistry

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