Meaning of the Ivory Wedding (14 years of marriage) (What they are, Concept and Definition)

Ivory wedding is the celebration of 14 years of marriage.

In the logic of weddings, the greater the number of years, the greater the strength, value and durability of the material that serves as a symbol of the celebration.

Ivory is considered an extremely hard and resistant substance and can be found mainly in the canine teeth of elephants and other animals, such as the hippopotamus and the walrus, by example.

As a material of great strength and value, ivory was associated with the fourteenth year of marriage. According to popular culture's interpretation of the wedding anniversary, in this period the couple is already developed a much more solid and concrete relationship, after going through different types of obstacles in life to two.

Learn more about the meaning of wedding anniversary.

Usually, on this date, couples usually go out to dinner or have a private party, with their closest friends and family.

As gift options, in order not to agree with the trade in animal ivory pieces, the couple can opt for the

vegetable ivory, which can be extracted from a plant commonly known as jarina or taguá (Phytelephas aequatorialis).

The word “marriage” came from the Latin term “vote” / “vote”, which can be literally translated as “promise”. Thus, the commemoration of the wedding anniversary is a way of reaffirming the promise of union made on the wedding day.

See also: meaning of Wedding Months Wedding.

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