Meaning of Ufanism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Uphanism is the exaggerated pride of something, commonly used in Brazil to refer to the excessive patriotism, that is, a great pride that a given individual has of his country, homeland and nation.

The word ufanismo is a neologism of the Brazilian Portuguese language, created in reference to the work “Because I'm Proud of My Country” (1900), authored by the Count Afonso Celso. The term proud it comes from the Spanish language, meaning the characteristic of a self-bragging group.

Unlike patriotism and nationalism, which can be interpreted as positive concepts to some degree, pride is seen as a undue exaggeration of the "love for the motherland". In this case, pride is compared to pejorative ideas such as vanity, boasting and arrogance.

Some of the main synonymous with pride they are: exaggerated nationalism and exaggerated patriotism.

nationalist pride

Boasting nationalism, as said, consists of exaggerated pride in a given nation. The group that fits into this type of nationalism, due to the exaggeration of their feelings, ends up feeling superior to other individuals of other nationalities. From this scenario, acts of

discrimination and prejudice, such as xenophobia, for example.

O Nazism (German pride) and the Fascism (Italian pride) are also examples of self-righteous nationalism.

See also: meaning of Nationalism.

brazilian pride

The Brazilian pride movement was created during the period of the government of Brazil's military dictatorship (1964 – 1985), causing the population to develop a feeling of national pride, creating sympathy for the dictatorial regime of the time.

brazilian pride - sloganTo achieve this goal, the government of the military dictatorship used a strong strategy of marketing to reach the masses. It was common to see the association of far-right ideologies allied to popular patriotic songs or even in samba school anthems.

One of the most famous phrases of Brazilian pride was: "Brazil, love it or leave it", which represented the idea of ​​the citizen's obligation to accept the norms institutionalized by the dictatorial regime or to have to leave the country if he did not agree with the military regime.

Learn more about Military dictatorship.

Patriotism and Ufanism

Pride is the exaggeration of patriotism, the latter being devotion, pride and admiration for the country. The main difference between them is the fact that self-righteousness be interpreted as a negative characteristic, as it is present, as a rule, in totalitarian governments and is the basis of motivation for prejudice against foreign citizens, for example (xenophobia).

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