artificial transmutation is a synthetic nuclear chemical phenomenon (performed in the laboratory) in which the nucleus of the atom of a given chemical element it is transformed into the nucleus of another chemical element.
Element X → Element Y
This process is carried out in Nuclear Physics laboratories with or without the use of radioactive particles. what differs a artificial transmutation of a natural nuclear reaction is that, in the natural reaction, the nucleus of the atom loses particles and forms a new nucleus. In artificial transmutation, a particle is used in the nucleus of an atom to transform it.
Representation of an artificial transmutation
In general, chemical equations that represent a artificial transmutation follow the pattern of any chemical equation.
Reagents → Products
The reactants are the chemical element that will be transformed and the particle. The product is the new element and, in some cases, just another particle.
Particles used in an artificial transmutation
In a reaction of
artificial transmutation, we can use radioactive and non-radioactive particles. The radioactive particles that can be used are:Alpha (2α4): has mass number equal to 4 and atomic number equal to 2;
Beta (-1β0): has mass number equal to 0 and atomic number equal to -1.
The non-radioactive particles that can be used in the process are:
Deuteron (1d2): has mass number equal to 2 and atomic number equal to 1;
Proton (1P1): has mass number equal to 1 and atomic number equal to 1;
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Positron (+1and0): has mass number equal to 0 and atomic number equal to +1.
Examples of Artificial Transmutation Equations
→ Sodium transmutation by deuteron attack
11At23 + 1d2 → 12mg24 + 0no1
When a nitrogen atom is bombarded by a deuteron, an artificial transmutation takes place, which forms a magnesium atom and releases a neutron.
→ Transmutation of beryllium by proton attack
4be9 + 1P1 → 3read6 + 2α4
When a beryllium atom is bombarded by a proton, an artificial transmutation takes place, which forms a magnesium atom and releases a neutron.
→ Transmutation of selenium by beta particle attack
34if84 + -1β0 → 33At83 + 0no1
When a selenium atom is bombarded by a beta particle, an artificial transmutation takes place, which forms an arsenic atom and releases a neutron.
→ Transmutation of arsenic by beta particle attack
33At76 + -1β0 → 32if76
When an arsenic atom is bombarded by a beta particle, an artificial transmutation takes place, forming a selenium atom.
→ Transmutation of nitrogen by alpha particle attack
7N14 + 2α4 → 8O17 + 1P1
When a nitrogen atom is bombarded by an alpha particle, an artificial transmutation takes place, which forms an oxygen atom and releases a proton.
By Me. Diogo Lopes Dias
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DAYS, Diogo Lopes. "What is artificial transmutation?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.