Effectiveness and efficiency. Effectiveness and efficiency characteristics

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Using this or that word depends solely on our linguistic competence, given that the semantics represents a preponderant factor that will focus on the negative or positive aspect resulting from such procedure.

Thus,efficiency andefficiency these are words that daily haunt the universe of many users, sometimes considered synonymous with each other. The fact is that even being considered as such, there are no perfect synonyms, as they usually have differences.

When it comes to the field of administration, these differences have been increasingly accentuated, referring to the words in question. Thus, the article aims to address about them, in order to promote you, dear user, a greater familiarity with the semantics that nourish them. So let's look at some very practical examples:
Imagine that you have a goal to accomplish through the tasks you perform in your work environment. If you fulfill them in their entirety, it means that you were effective, since effectiveness results in reaching the proposed objective, in executing something in accordance with what was determined. very well you went

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effective, but was it efficient?
Sometimes, despite your resourcefulness, it may be that something is not quite so perfect. A little mistake here, another there, and that's it! To be effective is to fulfill all obligations without any setbacks, whether financial, related to time, in short, linked to several other aspects. We can say that the person efficient it goes beyond what has proved effective, executing everything in the most perfect order, without fail.
So there are some distinctions between these words, that is, now we can be effective, but not that effective; now we can be effective and efficient at the same time.

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By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

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DUARTE, Vânia Maria do Nascimento. "Effectiveness and efficiency"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/gramatica/eficacia-eficiencia.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.


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