Adverbial adjunct and adnominal adjunct - diverging points

By establishing familiarity with the Syntax, now represented by the grammatical part that deals with studying the terms, in view of the function that these play within a given context, we find that certain terms are endowed with characteristics that make them similar between themselves.

This aspect, in most cases, converges to a single fact: the difficulty in identifying the true function performed by the term under study. To do so, just remember the nominal complement and the indirect object, since both are governed by preposition, as well as with the complement and the nominal adjunct, which have the same feature peculiar.

Based on this assumption, the article in question aims to point out the demarcations that are manifested between the adverbial adjunct and the adnominal adjunct. So, let's see them:

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This is an adverbial adjunct, since the term expressed by “very cautious” modifies the verb to direct, representing the way in which we should direct. Thus, such classification (the adverbial adjunct) always refers to verbs, adjectives or adverbs. As in:

So let's look at this other example:

It is an adnominal adjunct, as the term in evidence modifies the noun “procedure”. Therefore, in the face of such an occurrence, we attribute the respective classification (adjunct adnominal) to it.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

Grammar - Brazil School

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DUARTE, Vânia Maria do Nascimento. "Adverbial Adjunct and Adjunct Adjunct – divergent points"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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