Differences between gerund and gerundism

Establish the differences between gerund and gerundism it is essential so that mistakes and linguistic confusion are avoided. Much has been said about gerundism, but rarely do we find explanations that are, in fact, enlightening on the subject. Pointing out errors without indicating solutions is almost always an unproductive alternative: it is necessary to clarify the speakers about this phenomenon that has become common in oral and written modalities.

O gerund, like the infinitive and the participle, is a noun form of the verb. It receives this designation because, in addition to its verbal value, it can play the role of names. The gerund can, therefore, have the function of an adverb or adjective, being used to indicate a continuous action, that is, an action that is in progress, not completed at the time of speech. The gerund, like the other nominal forms, is formed by the theme (stem + thematic vowel) and, in its specific case, added by the ending -going:

play -going, speech -going, run -going, smile -going, study -going, left -going, etc.

Note some examples of the proper use of the gerund:

I saw your son playing in the square.

the girl arrived cheering the environment.

He stayed at home writing an essay.

the friends are talking about the Portuguese test.

The above prayers are good examples that, to be used well, the gerund must be as close as possible. possible of the subject to which it refers, indicating an action that is happening at the time her. When the gerund is used to reinforce the idea of ​​progressiveness in the future, that is, when it stops fulfill its grammatical function and is now used to indicate future actions, what we call in gerundism. Take a look at some examples:

The company will be depositing the salary by the end of the week.

The problem will be being resolved as soon as possible.

The teacher will be explaining the content of the English test.

Removing the verb phrases (or simplifying them) and the systematic use of verbs in the gerund, the sentences you read above can be rewritten in the following ways:

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

The company will deposit the salary by the end of the week.

The problem will be resolved as soon as possible.

The teacher will explain the content of the English test.


The company will deposit the salary by the end of the week.

The problem will resolve itself as soon as possible.

The teacher will explain the content of the English test.

For fear of making a mistake, many people avoid using the gerund in writing and speaking
For fear of making a mistake, many people avoid using the gerund in writing and speaking

O gerundism it is far from being a peaceful point, not least because it is not in accordance with the traditional syntax of Portuguese. For subverting the rule of use of the noun forms of the verb, it is considered, by some scholars, as a language addiction. However, this linguistic fad is constantly employed in speech and writing, although it is criticized for its semantic imprecision. In addition to grammatical issues, linguistic prejudice, an issue much discussed in sociolinguistics, is also responsible for the summary condemnation of gerundism.

Whether it's a strictly grammatical question or not, the fact is that in language, as in other aspects of our lives, common sense must be employed. Why systematically employ verb phrases accompanied by a verb in the gerund when only a verb inflected in the future tense would resolve the issue? Even so, it is not up to anyone to judge the speakers, condemning them without first making a more detailed analysis of gerundism. Prohibiting it, as if it were possible to legislate on the Portuguese language, is a task doomed to failure. Banning “language addiction” or discriminating against those who use gerundism on a daily basis is not the most appropriate alternative. Instead, it is necessary to teach the user to think about their language, thus finding efficient and objective ways for communication to take place in a clear way, free from linguistic antics.

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

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