What risks can anxiety bring to the student?

the feeling of anxiety is a natural human response to some factors, however high levels of anxiety can cause harm to the individual. You disorders of anxietythey can be characterized as an unpleasant feeling of fear and excessive worry that causes disproportionate discomfort as a result of anticipating some situations. It is a serious problem that affects many people, including teenagers and children, and often goes unnoticed by friends and family.

Cases of students with anxiety disorder are increasingly frequent in schools.Moving to a new school and expectations to achieve good grades to be approved are some of the factors that aggravate anxiety in students. Anxiety disorders can cause great harm to children and adolescents, so these people must be given adequate attention. After all, what are the risks that anxiety can bring to the student?

Read too:How to control anxiety before Enem

Risks that anxiety can bring to the student

It is necessary to help children and teenagers who have an anxiety disorder so that there is a better quality of life for these people
It is necessary to help children and teenagers who have an anxiety disorder so that there is a better quality of life for these people

the anxiety he can harm the student in various aspects and can trigger serious consequences. See below some problems that can be triggered by excessive anxiety:

  • Learning difficulty: Students with anxiety disorders usually have difficulty concentrating and assimilating information said by the teacher, which leads to a unsatisfactory learning. In addition, negative feelings can take over the thoughts of these students, making it difficult for you to focus on learning. Healthy lifestyle habits and relaxation techniques can help at this point.

  • Withdrawals: It is common for students with a lot of anxiety to end up not achieving the expected results, which can lead them to give up on performing certain activities. Group work, for example, can be quite stressful for students with anxiety. In these cases, these students may begin to tremble, have a shaky voice, or even lose their voice.

Anxiety disorders can lead to social isolation
Anxiety disorders can lead to social isolation

  • Social isolation: Many people with anxiety disorders are “lonely” in schools. The call social anxiety, in which the individual is afraid of feeling ashamed, it makes the student avoid being the focus of attention and exposing himself.

  • Depression:People with anxiety are at greater risk of developing depression.

Read too: Depression

  • Suicide: There is a strong relationship between anxiety disorders and suicide risk. Thus, people with these disorders must be carefully observed, and any manifestation of risk of suicide must be treated with due importance.

  • Heart diseases: People who have lifelong anxiety disorders have an increased chance of developing heart disease.

It is essential, therefore, that people who have severe anxiety symptoms seek medical help to assess a possible disorder. After identifying the problem, it is necessary quickly start treatment to avoid further damage. Treatment is usually based on use of medications and follow-up with a psychologist or psychiatrist.
By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude/quais-os-riscos-que-ansiedade-pode-trazer-para-aluno.htm

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