5 habits and attitudes to break and have a better marriage

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Throughout life, we hear about the beauty of marriage, but also about its difficulties. For this union to work out, it's not just love that counts, there are also a series of negative attitudes and bad habits that we must put aside, after all, it's about a commitment.

5 things to avoid in your marriage

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1. excessive drama

We all know that person who is a drama king/queen, but if that person is you, this trait is worth re-evaluating. Exaggerating your complaints can bring many problems, as the other side will not always see things the same way you see them. Therefore, assess whether you are not overestimating something, for example, when he (she) forgets to do some household chores or something you asked him/her to do.

2. not forgive

During the years that your marriage lasts, there will be many problems, mistakes and failures, on both sides. That's where the key factor comes in: forgiveness. Forgiving, moving on, and forgetting can be difficult for some people, but it's critical to the health of a relationship.

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Avoid reminding your spouse of the mistakes he/she made years ago, this will not do either of you any good. Instead, release the hurt and grant the benefit of forgiveness.

3. be bossy

Liking to dominate or lead are inherent personality traits of some people. However, wanting to give orders to your partner, who is already an adult and knows how to make his own decisions, is not cool.

Marriage is not about one person bossing the other around, but about both coming to a decision that is best for everyone. Stop trying to tell your spouse what to do, how to do it or when to do it. Instead, try to make suggestions that might express what you think or want.

4. not be trusted

No wonder they say that trust is the foundation of a relationship. If you expose everything that happens in your marriage to your friends and other people, maybe you should stop. It may not seem like it, but you are breaking your partner's trust by letting your intimacies, problems, and inner issues leak out to people outside the relationship.

It wouldn't be nice if your partner found out that you told someone about him/her to a third party. This can undermine the trust of both, and consequently generate distrust and more problems. Be faithful to your accomplice's confidences and keep what belongs to the marriage in the marriage.

5. Be boring

Perhaps this is the hardest issue to fix, as we don't always realize when we're being annoying. Complaining, criticizing and constantly fighting about every attitude your spouse takes and doesn't satisfy you is a tremendous mistake. After all, you didn't marry yourself, so don't expect your partner to know how to read your mind and that he will do something the way you imagined.

A good strategy is to evaluate how you can improve your way of communicating, passing on a request. Try to be more loving and understanding when expressing your desires, as this can help you to be heard more easily.


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