Meaning of Sadism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Sadism is a word used to refer to an individual who take pleasure in the suffering of others. In sadism, the feeling of satisfaction can basically occur in two ways: by making someone suffer or by witnessing the suffering of other individuals.

Sadism is an aspect of personality characterized by being a morbid way of obtaining pleasure, since satisfaction takes place through the suffering of others. Anyone who exhibits this behavior is called a sadist.

The word sadism can also be used more informally to refer to a person who has the characteristic of being excessively mean or cruel.

The behavior was named after the Marquis de Sade (1740 - 1814), a French writer known for his debauchery and for writing works of a strong sexual nature.

Also read the meaning of debauchery.

sadism in psychology

The characteristic of sadism has already been identified by Psychology as a personality disorder. However, currently, the classification is no longer considered.

Sadism can be perceived in different contexts and intensities, that is, sadistic people can be framed in different degrees.

It is known, for example, that in certain behavioral disorders, the characteristic of sadism may be present. Serial Killer Cases (serial killers) can be an example.

Learn more about the meanings of serial killer,psycho and psychosis.

However, there are also other ways of manifesting these characteristics, in a milder way. These are people who are capable of committing "little evils" in their everyday lives.

Characteristics of sadistic people

As per Psychology, there are some characteristics that are common to most sadistic people. The main forms of behavior that can be identified are as follows:

  • ease of having cruel and aggressive attitudes towards other people or animals,
  • obsessive interest in issues related to weapons, acts of violence or torture,
  • intimidation capacity,
  • pleasure in dominating and submitting other people to your will,
  • satisfaction in witnessing the suffering of others,
  • easy to humiliate other people,
  • aggressive and violent behavior with animals.

sexual sadism

Sexual sadism is the application of typical sadism behaviors with the aim of achieving sexual pleasure. In this practice, attitudes such as submission, suffering and violence can be used.

The behavior can often be characterized by acts of violence (physical or psychological), which causes pleasure to practitioners.

Psychology understands that these behaviors are explained by the desire to satisfy feelings related to control and domination over other people.

It is interesting to know that sexual sadism is not an inseparable consequence of sadistic behavior. people who exhibit sadistic characteristics in their behavior will not necessarily be adept at practicing sadism sexual.

See also the meaning of psychology.

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