5 Characteristics of an Introverted Person

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A person considered to be introverted is the one who tends to have the most need to pay attention to their inner world. In general, he is someone who tends to give a lot of importance to his feelings and sensations.

Here are five characteristics that are common to most introverted people:

1. are reflective


The introverted person is also usually very reflective, that is, he is usually someone who is in the habit of thinking deeply about the subjects and issues that interest him.

The introverted person tends to carry out self-analysis, observe their reactions to events and rethink their attitudes. In general, they are people who pay a lot of attention to their thoughts and feelings and the way they feel about the situations they live.

Another characteristic that is a consequence of being reflective is that introverted people have the habit of thinking hard before making a decision or publicly taking a stand on a subject matter. They often evaluate the pros and cons of the decisions they intend to make.

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2. They value sensations and feelings more

This is perhaps the most common feature and one that best represents a person's introversion. Valuing feelings is linked to emotional memory.

Introverts highly value what they feel, that is, they take into account all the sensations and feelings that are provoked when they are in a situation or when they meet a person. Almost always, the sensations generated by an experienced situation are valued more than the event itself.

The introvert, in general, values ​​more the feelings that are provided and experienced, whether by an event, an object, a person or any other experience. This characteristic makes them have much of their attention focused on themselves and their emotions.

3. are observant


Introverted people are usually very observant. It is even very common for them to have the habit of observing the functioning of environments or groups of people they do not know before joining them.

From this observational characteristic, introverted people can develop a high capacity to concentrate on a task they need to do. Observation often gives them good analytical and planning skills to complete an objective.

This ability to observe can also manifest itself in other situations and can be very closely linked to the characteristic of being a reflective person, because observation leads to reflection.

4. Like to spend time alone

For many introverted people, going through periods without company or even doing activities alone is not a problem. On the contrary, it can often be a necessity or even a pleasure.

The more introverted person usually enjoys being in their own company and with their ideas. She values ​​the self-knowledge that comes from these moments.

It's important to know that this doesn't mean that introverted people don't like to socialize with other people. But for them, spending time alone is often a common habit, which does not generate feelings of anguish or loneliness.

For introverts, being alone means a time to rest or "recharge your energy", especially after being in situations where they live with many people.

5. Don't like tumultuous environments


It is also common that introverted people do not like to be in crowded or crowded environments, such as parties and concerts.

But even as it seems, this is not a desire for isolation or a lack of ability to get along with other people.

What often happens is that these confusing environments can cause a feeling of discomfort or drain on energy in more introverted people.

See also the meanings of Introvert and Insight.

read about the qualities of a person.


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