The relationship between speech therapy and stroke (cerebrovascular accident)

Popularly known as a stroke, the stroke (Cerebral Vascular Accident), according to surveys, is considered the second leading cause of death in the world.

Stroke, according to the medical dictionary, is defined as a manifestation, often sudden, of vascular insufficiency of the brain of arterial origin: spasm, ischemia, hemorrhage, thrombosis (Manuila, Lewalle and Nicoulin, 2003) that generally affects the majority of the elderly, however, based on research, there is a percentage of 20% of strokes that occur in individuals under 65 years of age.
Regardless of the age group of people in which the disease occurs, the most common causes that give rise to stroke are situations such as thrombi and embolism (cerebral infarctions), hemorrhage secondary to aneurysm, developmental abnormalities, high blood pressure, cerebral hemorrhage, blood vessel malformation, brain tumors, trauma and other situations diverse.

It is of paramount importance to emphasize that the efficiency in providing assistance to the stroke victim is of great importance, as according to scholars of area, arrival at the doctor within three hours of the onset of symptoms provides a greater chance of cure, especially in cases of stroke ischemic.

Through medication, it is possible to dissolve the clot that has blocked the blood vessel and allow the blood to circulate normally again. When care is delayed, the possibility of a cure without sequelae will depend on the location and size of the area of ​​the brain that was affected.

Considering the high impairment of neuromuscular, motor, sensory, perceptual and cognitive-behavioral functions, the speech therapist it will provide the rehabilitation of partially or totally compromised functions, depending on the degree of compromise of the affected area.

When the lesion is in the Left Hemisphere (Right Hemiplegia) there are mainly aphasias, apraxias ideomotor and ideational, alexia for numbers, right/left discrimination and slow organization and performance.
When it is in the Right Hemisphere (Left Hemiplegia), there is visual spatial alteration, left unilateral self-neglect, alteration of the body image, clothing apraxia, construction apraxia, illusions of time abbreviation and quick organization, performance between others.

It is noteworthy that the speech therapist in the rehabilitation of stroke patients works in a multidisciplinary way, ensuring a better quality of life for the patient.
Professionals such as neurologists, physiotherapists, nutritionists and psychologists work intensively in partnership with speech therapists, with the objective of adapting the altered functions as soon as possible.

Remembering that each patient has their own limit of response to treatment, a limit that must be respected by the professional in partnership with the family.

By Elen Cristine C. whitewashed
Graduated in Speech Therapy and Pedagogy
Brazil School Team

Speech Therapy - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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