Meaning of Virtue (What it is, Concept and Definition)

virtue is moral quality, a positive attribute of an individual.

Virtue is the willingness of an individual to do good; and it is not just a characteristic, it is a real inclination, virtues are all the constant habits that lead a man to the good way.

There are different uses of the term, and there are several examples of virtue, which are related to the strength, patience, courage, the power to act, the effectiveness of one or the integrity of mind.

Virtue is a concept that refers to the conduct of human beings, when there is a perfect adaptation between moral principles and human will.

There is intellectual virtues, which are linked to intelligence and the moral virtues, which are related to the good. Intellectual virtue consists in the ability to learn from dialogue and reflection in search of true knowledge.

THE moral virtue, in turn, is the action or moral behavior, it is the habit that is considered good according to ethics.

Learn more about the concept of ethic.

In general, in everyday language, the word virtue is used to name the general qualities of a person.

The expression "due to" means "since", "due to", "since", etc.

Virtue in Philosophy

Virtue was a subject much discussed by the philosopher Aristotle, who differentiated between intellectual virtues and ethical (or moral) virtues, the ideal state being moderation, which is in the midst of defect and excess.

Intellectual virtue is one that is born and progresses thanks to the results of learning and education, and the moral virtue is not generated in us by nature, it is the result of habit that makes us capable of performing acts fair.

For Aristotle, there are no innate virtues, they are all acquired by the repetition of acts, which generates custom, and these acts, for generate the virtues, they must not deviate either by lack or by excess, because virtue consists in the just measure, far from the two extremes.

Second Plato, each segment of the soul must act in accordance with its corresponding virtue. In this way, man's action is determined.

See also: O meaning of human virtues.

Cardinal and theological virtues

Within the Christian religion, the virtues are cataloged as theological, theological or supernatural such as faith, hope and charity and the cardinal virtues, that is, prudence, temperance, strength and justice.

According to Christian doctrine, God gives man some virtues to act like his Son and to live an abundant life.

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