Meaning of Aeon (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Aeon, also known as eon, eon or eon, is a term used to designate "what is forever", a long period of time or eternity.

This word originated from the Greek αἰών (ayon), which can be translated as “life span”, “vital force”, “generation” or “eternal”.

It is a term widely used in geology, cosmology and astrology to represent the period of one billion years, corresponding to the geological time scale that makes up the history of planet Earth.

Aeon in Gnosticism

In Gnostic mythology, the aeons are known to be divine entities, usually in pairs (male and female, denoted by syzygies) and that exist in the Pleroma, a “space of light”.

The concept of Aeons was developed by Valentine, one of the leading Gnostic theologians during early Christianity.

There are different Gnostic systems and hierarchizations of the Aeons, but all of them have very striking characteristics regarding planonic, Christian and mythological definitions.

One of the great advocates and followers of the concepts of Aeon was the British occultist Aleister Crowley, founder of the philosophical doctrine of Thelema.

According to this doctrine, the Aeons would be the different Ages that mankind would spend in specific periods. Each Age, or rather each Aeon would be represented by a deity.

The first Aeon was the goddess Nuit or Isis, who represented the domination and power of motherhood. The second aeon would be Osiris, which marked the beginning of patriarchy in humanity.

According to Aleister, the third aeon belongs to the god Horus and would start in 1904, with the creation of the doctrine of Thelema.

Each aeon is supposed to go through three phases: genesis, heyday, and decay.

The genesis is when it is still in its embryonic form; the apogee is when it reaches the peak of its maturity; and decay is when he begins to attain little cosmic influence among his followers.

Learn more about the meaning of Gnostic.

Aeon Flux, the movie

Aeon Flux is an American science fiction film released in 2005, directed by Karyn Kusuma.

The plot takes place in the year 2415, when the entire population of Earth was wiped out by a virus.

Only a small group of survivors stand under the protection of a walled city. Special agent Aeon Flux has the objective of leading a mission to protect the site from attacks by the government itself.

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