Adaptations of birds to flight

At birds they are animals that present as a peculiar characteristic the presence of feathers. These structures are directly related to the flight, despite many species of birds do not have this ability. Birds, however, do not only present feathers as flight-related body adaptations. Next, we will list the main adaptations of these animals and discuss a little about each of them.


Feathers are structures formed by keratin present in the skin of birds. They have a wide variety of types as well as different functions. Feathers have a thermal insulation function, act on flotation, help in attracting partners and even camouflage. Despite this variety of roles, the best known point is its relationship with the flight. The feathers related to the flight are more rigid than the others and guarantee the animal's propulsion and support.


The wings, without a doubt, are essential structures to guarantee the birds' flight. Without the wings, birds would not have the propulsion and lift needed to ensure proper flight.

Furthermore, these animals are able to change the shape of their wings in order to ensure better efficiency in their movements. These changes ensure, for example, the performance of maneuvers, changes of direction and perfection in takeoff and landing.


The skeleton of birds has a variety of adaptations that guarantee a flight with great efficiency. Among them, we can mention: modified bones in the hands that guarantee the support of the wings, vertebrae in the tail region that help support the feathers and a rigid spine that allows the movement of the wings without causing damage to the animal.

We can also highlight the presence of an expanded sternum called the keel or keel, that supports the pectoral muscles that act in flight. We cannot forget the presence of hollow bones (pneumatic bones) that guarantee lightness to the animal.


You muscles of birds are well developed, especially the pectoral muscles, which help with the vigor of the flapping of the wings. It is estimated that, in some species that perform the flight, the pectoral muscles can reach 20% of your entire body mass.


Birds are animals with lung breathing that stand out for the presence of structures called air bags. These structures ensure greater lightness and allow a greater air supply, which guarantees the amount of oxygen needed for the bird to be able to produce energy to carry out its activities.


The birds stand out by the absence of urinary bladder, which makes your body lighter and, consequently, aids in flight. These animals also have uric acid excretion, a product that does not require a large amount of water to be eliminated.


The reproduction of these animals is also related to flight. Some researchers claim that, by laying eggs, the bird prevents its weight from increasing excessively and making it difficult to fly. In addition, it is important to emphasize that the females have only one ovary, and the gonads in this group are small, helping to reduce weight.

Know more: Also know the Evolutionary History of Birds!

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School -

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