What is Physics?

The wordphysics it has its origin in the Greek term physiké, which means “nature”, its use/meaning is always related to the word episteme, which, of Greek origin also, means “knowledge”, “science”. Therefore, physics was defined as: The science that studies nature.

However, that was the definition given by the Greeks of Ancient Greece. To them, all natural phenomena were intriguing and there was no distinction between the fact that a body to fall, a plant to sprout and a wine to ferment.

As time went by, the natural sciences were divided and that is how Chemistry, Biology and even Physics – which now has its own field of study.

Physics seeks describe, predict and justify through laws the phenomena that happen to matter in the course of space and time.

The phenomena studied by physics are present everywhere, in our daily lives, on our planet, in other galaxies, in short, in the entire universe. In approaching these phenomena, Physics uses the scientific method, since the hypotheses must be corroborated by experiments; this way the predictions are made and it is possible to verify that the experiments are in accordance with these predictions.

Physics is traditionally divided into branches. Each branch groups the study of facts that have similar properties and that can be related and described by common laws.

Therefore, here are the branches of Physics:

mechanics: studies the movements of bodies.

thermology: studies the phenomena related to temperature and heat.

optics: studies light-related phenomena.

undulatory: studies the phenomena related to waves, their characteristics, properties and behavior.

Electricity and Magnetism: studies electrical and magnetic phenomena.

Modern physics: It deals with physics developed in the 20th century, in which we can include relativity, quantum physics and nuclear physics.

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