Meaning of Class Struggle (What It Means, Concept and Definition)

Class struggle is the opposition between different classes of society. Class struggle is not just a conflict, it involves economy, politics and society as a whole. The term class struggle was a name created by the German philosopher Karl Marx.

Class struggles have existed since the Middle Ages, when the ruling classes like the kings and the bourgeoisie fought against the workers, and at times even violently. The ruling classes generally exercise their power in an authoritarian way, and this ends up generating conflicts with the representatives of the lower classes.

Philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels coined the term class struggle to designate the conflicts that exist between members of the wealthier classes and those of the lower classes. For Marx, class struggles were, over the years, one of several reasons for revolutions in world history. Marx divided society into owners, represented by the bourgeoisie, and workers, represented by the proletariat, who were the only workers.

Philosophers believe that class struggle will only end with the end of capitalism, and consequently, the end of the division of social classes.

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