Meaning of Historical Materialism (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Historical materialism is a Marxist theory which defends the idea that the evolution and organization of society, throughout history, occur according to its production capacity and its social relations of productivity.

Karl Marx's theory is based on what he called materialist conception of history.

This conception, supported by both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, has a very different concept from the concept of Enlightenment.

According to her, the social changes that have taken place throughout history are not based on ideas, but on material values ​​and economic conditions.

See more about the Enlightenment.

Origin of historical materialism

The theory of historical materialism was developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels during the period 1818 to 1883.

In the 19th century, Europe went through a phase of great industrial expansion, which further highlighted more the differences between the existing social classes and caused a great impact in the social and political.

Before the elaboration of the theory of historical materialism, history was seen as a succession of disconnected facts and events that happened almost accidentally.

Through the Marxist method of this theory, for the first time history was analyzed with scientific foundations that stated that the reasons for social changes were not in the human brain (ideas and thoughts), but in the way of production.

The materialist conception of history concluded that the modes of production of materials are fundamental for the relationship between people and consequently for the development of society and history.

Main ideas of historical materialism

One of the main ideas of historical materialism is that the historical evolution of society benefits by clashes between different social classes, due to what Marx called "the exploitation of man by the men".

With regard to historical materialism, the central line of Marxist thought held that every economic system or concept of mode of production it was associated with a contradiction that led to its disappearance and consequent replacement by another more advanced system of social and economic life.

In feudalism, for example, the need for states governed by the monarchy to make transactions trades with other states gave rise to a merchant class and may have led to the advance of the capitalism.

Difference between dialectical materialism and historical materialism

Dialectical materialism is a way of understanding reality considering materialism and dialectics, taking into account thoughts, emotions and the material world.

According to this concept, dialectics is the basis for understanding the social processes that take place throughout history.

Marx and Engels' concept of dialectic was based on Hegel's dialectic, which states that nothing is permanent and that everything is always in a continuous process of being and not being, of change, and that it can even be substituted.

However, the Hegelian dialectic only served as a basis for Marx and Engels to develop their own concept of the word.

The Marxist dialectic does not accept Hegel's idealist foundations, who understand that history is the manifestation of the absolute spirit that passes from a subjective state to an absolute knowledge.

know more about dialectic and dialectical materialism.

For Marx, history is the opposition of classes that arises due to the mode of production that is in effect.

Dialectical materialism is the theoretical basis of a method of reasoning, and therefore, it should not be confused with historical materialism, which is a Marxist interpretation of history in terms of social class struggles.

See more about materialism.

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