Electromagnetic waves and biometrics: what is the relationship?

Biometrics is a technology that identifies a person through biological traits. The advancement of this technology allows the development of increasingly personalized, safe and efficient products, by Unlike a bank password, biological traits cannot be copied or forgotten, as they are part of the people.
Fingerprints, the venous structure of the hands, the sound emitted by the voice or the shape of the iris are biological traits that make it possible to identify an individual. Of course, among these there are some that have more precise biometric traits, and one of them is identification by the iris, which uses four times more data than the digital one.
changed pattern
Currently, due to an increase in marginality, different types of security alarms have been developed. These alarms allow you to protect both the exterior and the interior of an environment that needs to be monitored 24 hours a day.
Motion detectors signal when an intruder threatens to enter the room. In this case, biometrics is used to disapprove the individual's entry and not to allow it. But how do motion detectors work? This is where the function of electromagnetic waves comes into play.

In the structure of the detectors there are sensors that capture and emit electromagnetic waves. This device registers the reflection pattern of these waves with an empty environment, that is, without the presence of people. When an unauthorized person enters the protected environment, the pattern is changed by the waves reflecting off the person, and this sets off the alarm.
Electromagnetic waves are made up of electric and magnetic fields that oscillate, and depending on of the propagation medium, they propagate at extremely high speeds (in a vacuum it reaches 300,000 Km/s).

By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry
Brazil School Team

Chemistry Curiosities - Chemistry - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/quimica/ondas-eletromagneticas-biometria-qual-relacao.htm

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