Physics Applied to Radiology

Radiology aims to generate images through non-invasive diagnostic methods and promote the treatment of some pathologies; situations in which the tools used are ionizing radiation.
The development of the radiological area is associated with different areas, but at its foundation we find physics.
In the year 1895, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (German-born physicist) discovered x-rays when studied the luminescence produced by cathode rays and applied them almost immediately.

Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen and the first radiograph;
that was made from his wife's hand.

In 1896, Antoine Henri Becquerel (a French-born physicist) accidentally discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity; this process, which consists of elements that have nuclear instability (excess energy), in the search for stability, they end up emitting energy in the radiant form of gamma, alpha and beta.

Antoine Henri Becqerel discovered the phenomenon
which today helps in the treatment of cancer.

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The recognition of the use of some radiation bands aimed at diagnosis and therapy was recognized almost immediately, and from then on radiology began to be born.
Devices such as: conventional x-rays, tomograph, mammograph, pet/ct, gamma-camera, spect, gamograph, were created to follow and meet our needs.
Currently, the radiological area has several ramifications, see some:

• Medical Radiology
• Dental Radiology
• Metallurgical Radiology
• Environmental radiology
• Scientific Radiology
• Food radiology
• Radiology of projects

This branch of science of great importance rests on a scientific foundation, its development is largely based on it.
Radiology and physics, a link between different areas of knowledge that worked.

by Frederico Borges
Graduated in Physics
Brazil School Team

Electromagnetism - Physics - Brazil School

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ALMEIDA, Frederico Borges de. "Physics Applied to Radiology"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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