Internet addiction. Cyber ​​addict, internet addiction

When talking about addiction, we immediately think of drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, gambling, among others. However, addiction is linked to a broader issue, that is, it is not restricted to one or two aspects, but to several. There is internet addiction which is also known as internet compulsion or internet addiction.

It is diagnosed as a case of internet addiction, when people have their personal, professional and emotional life affected by the excessive permanence on the internet. Currently, cases of internet compulsion are growing considerably, this is associated with the fact that all the time new people are connecting to the network, in addition to the new attractions it provides to veteran internet users, making them want to stay connected ever.

There are cases of cyberaddicts who died for spending too much time in front of the computer. This is due to the fact that there are certain diseases that develop by staying in a certain position, etc., a One of these diseases is Deep Venal Thrombosis, which can progress to a Pulmonary Embolism, and ultimately leading the individual to death. Data from a survey carried out by North American scholars reveal that between 6% and 10% of the approximately 189 million American Internet users suffer from this condition.

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A person who spends a few hours connected to the internet, whether sending emails, connected to a chat room, doing business or playing games, can be considered a cyber addict. Some experts consider internet addiction a "psychic problem". The deaths generated by the compulsion to the internet gave rise to the “cyberwidows”, they are the wives and girlfriends of men who died from this disease. In addition, cyberviction generates “cyberadutery”, occurs with people who have some kind of fixed relationship and maintain a virtual love relationship. Many experts say cyber addiction should be listed alongside cocaine, heroin, and other addictive drugs.

by Eliene Percília

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PERCILIA, Eliene. "Cyberviciated - Internet Addiction"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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