Creating Folders
- With the explorer open, click on Drive C:
- Click on the File menu, point the mouse cursor to the New option and click on the Folder sub-option
- Just enter a name for the new folder and press the ENTER key.
Moving a folder or file
You can move a file from one folder to another folder.
To do this, simply drag it from the source folder to the destination folder.
Copying a folder or a file
You can copy a file in much the same way you move a file, which is by dragging it to the destination location. However, to differentiate a copy from a locomotion, during the drag you need to press the ctrl key simultaneously. This will make a [+] sign appear just below the dragged file icon. Or you can copy files and folders using the copy and paste options found in the Edit menu.
Deleting a folder or file
To delete a file or folder just drag it into the trash. The trash is always present on the Windows desktop. If you are not viewing the trash, you can simply select the desired file or folder and press the Delete key. This procedure will ask you for confirmation.
If you regret deleting certain files, don't worry. Windows does not permanently delete files when you use the Delete key.
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It simply moves them to a Windows reserved folder called Trash.
To view the files that have been deleted, just double-click on the trash. From there you can move the files back to their original folders.
By pressing the Ctrl and Z keys at the same time, the last Move, Copy or Delete operation will be undone. This eliminates the need to open the trash and move necessary files to their source folders.
Windows - Computing - Brazil School
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SCHOOL, Team Brazil. "Handling files"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 30, 2021.