Knowing Windows Elements through Paint

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Paint is an auxiliary program for creating artistic drawings. Very limited, compared to CorelDraw, for example, Paint lends itself very well to creating illustrative figures.
- In the Menu of the Accessories folder, click on the Paint option.
- Wait for the Paint program to load into RAM memory

When a program is loaded into Windows, it appears inside a window. Therefore, before we learn to use Paint, it is necessary to first learn how to work with windows windows. Everything you learn from now on, will be used for almost all programs used with windows.
- Click on the Minimize button. With this you will notice that the entire window that contained Paint was sucked by the Paint control button on the taskbar.
- Now click on the Paint control button on the taskbar. Once this is done, the Paint window will be one more open on the windows desktop.
- The Restore Button allows the window to assume a limited size on the desktop.

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Note that when restored to its natural size, the Paint window, like all windows, replaces the restore button with the Maximize button. A simple touch on this button and the window takes on every possible dimension, occupying the entire desktop.

There are several ways to close a program, one of them is by clicking the Close button, present in the upper right corner of the window. Another way is to right-click over the Paint control button on the taskbar. Doing this windows will show a small menu with several options. Choose the close option. Another way, available in most programs, is to use the File menu. This menu usually has the option Exit inside it, or even use the shortcut key ALT + F4.

Windows - Computing - Brazil School

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SCHOOL, Team Brazil. "Windows Elements"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 30, 2021.

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