Angle Measurement Conversions

When we measure the angle of an arc, we use the degree or the radian as a unit. We have that 1st (one degree) has 60’ (sixty minutes) and 1’ (one minute) has 60” (sixty seconds). A circle has 360 arcs of 1° opening. In the case of measuring in radians, we say that the arc measures one radian (1 rad) if its length is equal to the length of the radius of the circumference where the measured arc is.
The following table shows some relationships between the units in degrees and radians.

Converting Degrees to Radians
In converting degrees to radians we use a simple rule of three, for example:

20th in radians

degrees radians
20º x
180º  rad

15th in radians

degrees radians
15º x
180º rad

120º in radians

degrees radian
120º x
180º rad

150º in radians

degrees radian
150º x
180º rad

300º in radians

degrees radian
300º x
180º rad

Converting Radians to Degrees

In converting radians to degrees, we just replace the value of π by 180º. See examples:

by Mark Noah
Graduated in Mathematics
Brazil School Team

Trigonometry - Math - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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