The potential of the Northeast

Despite all the existing problems in the Northeast region that are shown by the media, the region also has economic potential.
Some time ago, a series of financial investments was made in the region, seeking to establish economic development in various segments.
In recent years, the industrial sector in the Northeast has achieved great growth rates, with its own companies and with the entry of many branch industries coming from different parts of Brazil, especially from the southeast. The industrial segments transferred are of the most varied, from basic industry to state-of-the-art technology.
The reasons why these companies establish themselves in the region are attractive, the government offers tax reduction and exemption and there is abundant labor at low cost.
Productive changes did not only occur in the industrial sector, as the agricultural sector also entered a stage of evolution (mechanization and modernization of the field), the agricultural areas of the sertão, through irrigation techniques, have achieved a large volume of productivity in different cultures.

Due to the technological increase used in agricultural production, it has been possible to harvest onions, tomatoes, tropical fruits such as passion fruit, mango, melon and grapes, among others.
In addition to these cultures, in southern Maranhão and western Bahia, through correction of cerrado soils, it has been soy planting was widespread with the insertion of mechanization with the same standards as in the productive regions of the parents.
These data prove that the Northeast Region is not only made up of social and economic problems, it has a great potential for growth in all the aspects, what is really lacking in the northeast is political will and punishment for the corrupt, who often prevent programs from reaching those who really need.
What needs to be done is a major irrigation project, as the Northeast will be able to produce quality with water.

Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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