Beneficiaries with NIS ending in 6 receive the Brazil Aid today.

Today, the 21st, Caixa Econômica Federal will pay the installment for the month of October of the Auxílio Brasil program, all beneficiaries with the Number in EnrollmentSocial (NIS) ending 8 will receive the money in their accounts. Gas Allowance is also paid today to CadÚnico subscribers.

This is already the third installment of the benefit, which has the value of R$ 600, with the last installment in December, according to the constitutional amendment sanctioned in July by the National Congress. This amendment also allowed 2.2 million families to be included in the government program. After this inclusion, the total number of families assisted by Auxílio Brasil increased to 20.65 million people in the country.

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Information about the program and future of the Brazil Aid in 2023

To solve doubts and check information about the program, the beneficiary can find this data in two different applications:

Brazil Aid, created and developed for the social program, and the box has, which serves to monitor the bank's digital savings accounts. In these applications, it is also possible to find the dates scheduled for payments, benefit amounts and the composition of the distributed installments.

As of January 2023, the value of the Auxílio Brasil is expected to be adjusted to R$400, the initial value when the program started. The benefit payment dates follow the same pattern as at the time of Bolsa Família, where payment was made in the last ten working days of the month.

This month, as previously announced, payment dates were brought forward, with October 11th being the first payment day and October 25th being the last.

Other information about Brazil Aid

The program consists of three family benefits and six supplementary ones, where these can be acquired if the beneficiary gets a job or has a child who stands out in competitions in the school scope.

Families living in extreme poverty, with a per capita income of up to R$100.00, can receive these extra benefits. As well as families in poverty, where the income is around R$ 200.00.

It was prepared by Agência do Brasil, a kind of manual for the program, where assisted families can resolve their doubts about all the benefits included and how to receive them.

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