Meaning of GPRS (What are they, Concept and Definition)

GPRS is the acronym for General Packet Radio Services, or General Radio Package Services. GPRS is a technology that aims to increase data transfer rates between cell phones, facilitating communication and access to networks.

GPRS allows a transfer rate more than ten times higher than previous technologies, and this service is always available on cell phones, whenever the user is going to send and receive data, such as accessing the Internet.

GPRS technology also allows multiple users to share the same resources, which makes it possible to increase network capacity. It was with GPRS that operators made Internet access available at high speed (approximately 40 kbps) on cell phones, and at a not very high cost. GPRS facilitates the use of voice and data at the same time, has wide network coverage, allows access to the internet with high speed, causes a reduction in the amounts involved, etc.

Before GPRS, data transmission was done by GSM technology. Later, GPRS technology was superseded by technologies that allow higher data transmission speeds, such as EDGE and later 3G.

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