Meaning of Link (What It Means, Concept and Definition)

protection click fraud

Link is an English word that means link, bond or Link.

In the field of computing, the word link could mean hyperlink, that is, a word, text or image that when clicked by the user, forwards him to another page on the internet, which may contain other texts or images.

in english the word link it is also used to determine that there is a link between two elements. Ex: The detective couldn't find a link between the two events. / The detective failed to discover a link between the two events.

Linkedin is a social network aimed at the world of work, where people are connected or "linked" and can share details of their professional lives.

Also, Link is the name of the character mainly from the world famous video game The Legend of Zelda.

link break

A link breaker is a program or software that acts as a tool to bypass link protectors. It is very popular for users who download a lot of files because it unprotects the links.
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