The main protein types

Proteins are classified according to form and function, acting on systems and organs of the human body, as follows:
Chromoproteins → proteins that confer pigmentary characteristics.
Glycoproteins → proteins associated with carbohydrate groups, common in glucocalix.
Lipoproteins → proteins associated with lipid groups.
Nucleoproteins → proteins with functions specifically aimed at activities that take place in the nucleus.
endocrine proteins → proteins with hormonal activity, for example, insulin, which participates in lowering the blood sugar level.
Globin → protein that makes up the hemoglobin molecule.
Albumin → important protein in embryo nutrition.
fibrinogen → protein component of blood plasma, participating in the coagulation process.
Keratin → protein that participates in the structuring of nails and hair.
collagen → protein found in human skin and cartilage, providing elasticity.

By Krukemberghe Fonseca
Graduated in Biology
Brazil School Team

Biochemistry - Biology - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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