What is timeline? Check the translation and meaning of timeline

The word timeline comes from English, which means "line of time". It is a term that is used a lot on the internet, especially in social media, means the order that certain posts were made by users, being chronological or by relevance of each post.

Also, the expression can be simplified with updates from people you follow on the social network. In this sense, it can be used in several systems, such as news sites, for example. They publish the articles in timeline, that is, in a chronological order for readers to see.

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A timeline of Facebook is displayed right after the user logs in, and can also be called feed of news. On the timeline, you can see posts from your friends, advertisements, sponsored posts and pages you follow.

On Instagram it happens the same way, posts are presented right after the user enters their account.

in programs of computer, it is also possible to find the

timeline. PowerPoint is one of them, with the possibility of putting material in chronological order for lectures and seminars.

There is even a movie by that name. timeline is directed by Richard Donner, premiered in 2003 and is a feature film by Science fiction.

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