Meaning of Delay (What it is, Concept and Definition)

delay means delay and represents the time difference between sending and receiving a signal or information in communication systems, for example.

This word from the English language and added to Portuguese is often used to refer to the signal delays, mainly in the sound delay in satellite transmissions.

Other signals transmitted via satellite and that form an electrical circuit may also suffer from different times of delay, such as images displayed on televisions or communications made through phone calls, for example.

As delay means "delay" or "delay", the word delayed it means “late” in English. This term is commonly seen on airport flight notices to indicate that a particular flight will not arrive at the scheduled time.

In the musical field, the delay is also known as an equipment or instrument that produces a sound effect responsible for delaying the original sound signal, allowing the person to control when the audio will be transmitted and the number of repetitions.

The result of the sound effect of the delay is similar to an echo depending on the delay time of the sound signal.

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