Infrastructure. The services that integrate the infrastructure

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Infrastructure it consists of a set of structural elements that drive the socioeconomic development of a given location. The main services that make up the infrastructure are transport, energy, telecommunications and environmental sanitation. These four items are associated and directly influence the production process and the flow of goods and people, providing apparatus for economic growth.

O transport system it is of fundamental importance for the movement of people and goods. The construction and maintenance of highways, railways and waterways, as well as ports and airports, are essential for the economic development of a given location, as this service is responsible for transporting cargo and passengers.

Another essential item of a place's infrastructure is the energy. The generation and distribution of energy are necessary elements for industrial and agricultural production, supplying homes and cars, among others. Energy is produced in nuclear plants, oil platforms, hydroelectric plants, alcohol plants, etc. Its distribution can take place through pipes and power stations.

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Telecommunications services ensure communication between individuals located at different points in the planet, being fundamental for the exchange of information between people and companies, especially in an economy globalized. All this is done through telephones, internet, radios, among other objects.

Another item that makes up the infrastructure is the environmental sanitation service, which is formed by a set of activities that includes collection and treatment of domestic and industrial sewage, supply of treated water, garbage collection and cleaning of public roads. It avoids environmental problems and is very important in preventing some diseases, such as cholera, diarrhea and hepatitis A.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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