5 qualities of a smart city

smartçities (smart cities) are systems of people interacting and using energy, materials, services and finance to catalyze economic development and improved quality of life. They make use of technology in their planning process with citizen participation.

The concept of smartcity has already established itself as a fundamental issue in the global discussion about the sustainable development and moves a market of technological solutions, that is, it is a great opportunity for young entrepreneurs who want to collaborate with the future of the planet.

Currently, cities in emerging countries are investing billions of dollars in products and services for sustain economic growth and the demands of the population.

Several cities above 100,000 inhabitants already have or are implementing initiatives to become, in fact, smartçities. Let's put some qualities and important information for a city to achieve this status.

Smart cities combine technology and sustainable development with the purpose of generating economic growth and improving the quality of life.
At smart cities they combine technology and sustainable development with the purpose of generating economic growth and improving the quality of life.

1. society and social

Talents in different areas should be part of the goals of a smart city, that is, to give access to culture and offer a good level of education. are important parameters for measuring human capital. Therefore, managing the number of universities, schools, museums and art galleries, in addition to the population's spending on leisure, is extremely necessary.

there must be coexistence between groups of people with different incomes, cultures, ages and professions. Factors such as immigration, development of communities, care for the elderly, efficiency of the health system, public inclusion and safety must be qualities taken into account.

Read too: 5 key characteristics for young entrepreneurs

2. economy and business

The smart city must promote economic development with local plans for industry, innovation and entrepreneurial initiatives, working the productivity and time needed to start a business.

The simpler and easier it is to develop new projects and companies, the more practical and efficient the city will become, not to mention the new job opportunities that may be generated. The focus is be efficient to develop economic reserves and seek to be a reference in the quality of its services in relation to citizens and the world.

3. Environment and urbanism

For that specific point, it is necessary to have the sustainable mindset, as defined by the United Nations (UN), which refers to this item as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs”.

Urban planning for:

  • pollution,

  • emission of carbon dioxide and methane,

  • access to drinking water,

  • percentage of the population with access to basic sanitation,

  • number of people per house,

  • number of buildings built in the city.

These and other items are important topics for the development of the smart city.

4. Mobility

Let's divide this point into two topics. The first is about facilitate movement in cities, that is, it is necessary to develop solutions that help the population to move safely, saving time and efficiency.

On the other hand, there is the concern of expand access to public services, collaborating with the development of means of transport, giving opportunity to all Social classes be impacted. It is necessary to think about the coverage of subway systems, bike sharing systems, average commute time to work and traffic rates.

See too: 5 information about the Fourth Industrial Revolution

5. Global reference

It's not enough just to be a model for your country, the global impact and become a successful reference they must be goals to be achieved. Your brand and recognition must go through strategic tourism plans, in addition to the ability to attract foreign investment. Some of the indicators used in the survey are the number of airports, hotels, conferences and congresses that take place in the city.

By New Educa 

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/clube-do-empreendedorismo/5-qualidades-de-uma-smart-city-cidade-inteligente.htm

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