Sixth Sense: See if You Have It and Learn How to Use It

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A large part of the population knows only the five senses common – hearing, vision, taste, touch and smell, taught a lot in school, children's songs and recreational programs. However, we need to talk about the sixth Sense, which is, in a basic way, the perceptual capacity of a human being. Understand!

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What is the sixth sense?

This sense works as a kind of “inner guide” that helps us in choosing between right and wrong. Moreover, it can also be seen as a combination of all the other senses. Thus resulting in a strong power of perception.

Therefore, at the level of understanding, we use the sixth sense when we feel that something is about to happen even before actually experiencing the moment. Or, when we dream about a situation and it comes true, for example.

Also, many believe that we are all born with six senses. However, most people do not understand how it actually works. However, having a well-developed sixth sense helps us to be more confident in decision-making.

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Check out some ways to develop your sixth sense

  • the meditation

The act of meditating leaves our mind calmer. Thus, making it easier to be clear about your day, allowing only what is necessary to come to our conscious. With that, meditation makes us more likely to notice the warnings of the subconscious.

  • Also listen to the other senses

All of our other 5 senses have a unique and important way of experiencing our surroundings. Also, some individuals are more attuned to a specific sense, making using it part of who they are. So, learn to speak, but also learn to listen. Learn to feel, but also learn to be felt.

  • Trust your genuine intuition more 

Being a powerful aspect in the life of a human being, genuine intuition is how we perceive the prompts of the universe. And to be more sensitive to the notion of such warnings, we need to be open. With that, intuition can help you solve problems and difficult times, as well as give you the necessary incentive to take on new challenges.

  • Record all your dreams

We dream every night, but we don't remember everything. So, leave a notebook next to your bed and write down everything you remember about your dream as soon as you wake up. After a period of doing this, you will find yourself remembering events more and more subconsciously.

  • Always be in touch with nature

Nature has the power to connect us deeply with our interior. In addition, she is also able to cleanse our body of negative energies and toxic thoughts. With that, look for a calm and peaceful place to walk or meditate and feel the power that the environment has to offer you.

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