What is weather?

O climate is the set of phenomena associated with variations in the Earth's atmosphere in a given location. Generally, its concept appears in opposition to the idea of ​​“time”, which would be the momentary state of the atmosphere. Therefore, to know the climate of a given place, it takes several years of studies and observations to finally establish a conclusion about a particular climate type.

When we say that it is raining in Recife, we are talking about time, as it is a momentary thing, which will end soon. This does not mean that the climate of this location will be predominantly rainy, which can only be completed after the record of the usual succession of rainfall and drought regimes in the region in a minimum period of thirty years old.

As an element of the atmosphere, climate is in constant interaction with the elements and phenomena of the hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere, altering and being altered by these various components.

There are numerous climatic factors responsible for the dynamic way in which the climate expresses itself. The numerous combinations of phenomena constitute the existence of a wide range of climatic sets over the Earth, with wetter but hot regions, and dry or cold ones, in addition to many others.

Among the most important climatic factors, we can mention variations in latitude, altitude, continentality or maritime, air masses, oceans and many others. They influence and are influenced by the conditions of temperature, atmospheric pressure, air humidity and precipitation.

By Me. Rodolfo Alves Pena

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/geografia/o-que-e-clima.htm

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