Production of geographic space. the geographic space

Geographic space corresponds to the space constructed by human activities and societies, being explored by them and currently transformed. It differs from the natural environment in that it is the place where the action of human beings on the environment is immediately observed, with the generation of their respective impacts. It is, however, about a concept that has several definitions and approaches..

Generally speaking, it is correct to say that there is a production of geographic space, that is, it is the result of social activities in the economic, cultural, educational and other spheres. For this reason, understanding it is also a way of understanding the human being and the structure of societies.

It must be said that, in addition to being produced, the geographical space is properly designed. This means that, in addition to being a result of human practices and interventions in the environment, it is the result of the way people see reality. In this sense, space also interferes in the different ways in which we can apprehend reality and it give meaning, gaining, in this sense, a substance, in terms of content, which gives it a dynamic own.

It is in this sense that the concept of place, which is nothing more than the perceived space and also those places about which the subjects acquire affection and familiarity. That favorite tourist spot, the street from your house or even the farm to which any person usually travels are examples of a place, which therefore gains a subjective and individual aspect. In this context, Geography is also the science of places.

Since the dawn of humanity, even before the invention of writing, human beings act in the process of modifying nature. Over time, this practice became increasingly common and culminated in the development of civilizations, all of them endowed with their spaces, without which it would not be possible to have references about them. Therefore, this space is a constituent part of the society that builds it and, in a way, a reflection of her, being the product of her worldviews, social practices, religions, cultures and, of course, her power. Currently, we can say that our current space is not only the result of contemporary society, but also a product of its past.

The geographic space, therefore, carries with it elements of the past and present, being the most explicit of the differences in cultural, architectural and moral values ​​of the different periods of the story. When we look at an old building or walk through centuries-old streets, we are able to perceive, at least in part, the values ​​of earlier times.

It is in this sense that we can note the dynamics of landscape, another important concept linked to the idea of ​​geographic space. It is not only the appearance of the environment in which we live, but also a reflection and a condition of its forms and contents. By definition, we can understand the landscape as everything that we can apprehend through our senses (sight, touch, smell, taste and hearing), although also there are the so-called "hidden landscapes", those that are hidden or overshadowed by social practices, whether for economic reasons, or for views of prejudice, among others.

In addition to landscapes, to better understand geographic space, it is often necessary to understand it in its regional aspects. To define what would be a region, another important concept, it is necessary to adopt a criterion (natural, cultural, economic, political, etc.) to establish what we call regionalization. Therefore, region is the portion of space divided and observed based on a specific criterion, elaborated according to the our interests and convictions, thus having as many regions as different criteria used to elaborate them.

But it is also important to conceive that the geographical space has different dynamics and relationships, carrying the moral values ​​of society with it. In many cases, power relations are established and space becomes appropriate, that is, controlled. This appropriation may receive limits and borders (such as the national territory), but in others cases not (such as the territories of drug dealers in the favelas, when the boundaries are not very accurate). Therefore, it is important to understand the territory, which is the space delimited by power relations, which can be presented at various scales (from local to global) and also in multiple forms (continuous, networked, etc.).

Therefore, we can note that space is a very complex element of reality, so much so that it has a specific science that is concerned with studying it: Geography. She analyzes it as a social phenomenon, but is also concerned with studying and understanding natural landscapes, given that its substrate is of immediate interest to society and its activities.

By Me. Rodolfo Alves Pena

Source: Brazil School -

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