Notification Meaning (What it is, Concept and Definition)

notification is a formal information or communication. It is the document that fulfills the task of informing someone about an important event or decision.

It is a verb that has its origins in Latin notify.

THE judicial notice it is an official communication made by the Justice. It is used to inform court decisions, such as an order given in a case. The judicial notification is sent to the interested party and is also published in the Official Gazette and in the Electronic Gazette of Justice.

THE notification of traffic fine notice it is the information sent by the traffic inspection agency to the driver who committed an infraction. This notification informs you of the deadlines for appealing the penalty and for paying the fine.

THE compulsory notification of diseases it is a mandatory communication made by health professionals to the Ministry of Health. The list of diseases that must be mandatorily notified is defined in an Ordinance of the Ministry.

The term notification may be replaced by the synonyms: communication, citation, notice, information, subpoena and participation.

Extrajudicial notice

The extrajudicial notification is a form of communication used to try to solve a problem without having to file a lawsuit in court.

This notification can be used for many purposes. The most common are demanding the fulfillment of a contractual obligation, collecting a payment that is in arrears or requesting the vacancy of a property.

The extrajudicial notification also has the function of proving that the person was informed about the request. If legal action is required to resolve the dispute, the notification must be used as evidence in the process.

Notification can be made at a Registry of Deeds and Documents. If it is done at the Registry Office, it is a guarantee of proof, as the establishment is responsible for proving the delivery of the document to the recipient.

The communication that is sent in response to the extrajudicial notification is called counter-notification.

Learn more about the meaning of extrajudicial.

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