Meaning of Impropriety (What it is, Concept and Definition)

misconduct means dishonesty, bad natured, bad character, lack of probity, that is, lack of honesty, integrity, honesty. It also means evil, perverseness, evenrocity.

Improbity is a feminine noun, with origin from latin probitate. It is formed from the Latin prefix im, which has the sense of denial, plus the word probity which means honesty, integrity, honestyTherefore, improbity is the lack of probity.

Impropriety is a dishonest practice, which denotes bad character and goes against honesty, good faith, integrity, good character and smoothness.

Administrative dishonesty

Administrative improbity is the occurrence of unlawful acts committed by public agents who start to act without observing the law, morals and customs. Corruption is the term that came to be adopted to specify the dishonest administrator's conduct.

Law no. 8429, sanctioned on June 2, 1992, provides for the sanctions applicable to public agents in cases of illicit enrichment in the exercise of their mandate, position, employment or function in the public administration, as well as for acts that cause damage to the Treasury and the transgression of the principles that underlie the administration public.

Nepotism – favoring relatives and friends for public office, is an administrative improbity that violates the Federal Constitution and those involved are subject to reimbursement to the public coffers.

Read more about the meaning of administrative dishonesty.

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