Meaning of Social Rights (What they are, Concept and Definition)

social rights are all fundamental rights and basic guarantees that must be shared by all human beings in society, regardless of sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, religion, economic class, etc.

Social law seeks to resolve social issues, that is, all situations that represent inequalities in society. It is also essential for people to have the minimum quality of life and dignity.

Most social rights were conquered over time thanks to the demands and struggles of the social movements, which aim to guarantee equality, freedom and dignity among all human beings. The main achievements of social rights were observed in the 19th and 20th centuries, after the development of the Industrial Revolution.

Social rights are provided for in Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), created and proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations, and in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural (1966), which consist of agreements that serve as a basis for the formulation of the Federal Constitution of Brazil and several others countries.

Learn more about Social issues and the Human rights.

social rights in Brazil

Social rights are guaranteed by Federal Constitution of 1988, where they are classified into two groups: fundamental guarantees and rights and those of a social order.

While social rights address people's individual needs, they also provide a guide to establishing a functioning and stable society.

Chapter II, article 6, of the Brazilian Federal Constitution establishes, in an abstract way, which are the social rights that the country recognizes and which are supported by specific laws.

Art. 6th The social rights are education, health, food, work, housing, transport, leisure, safety, social security, maternity and childhood protection, assistance to the destitute, in the form of this Constitution.

In the Constitution there are still several articles that deal specifically with the social rights in the labor field, ensuring that there is no discrimination, for example, in the labor market. In addition, labor rights grant workers the basics so that they have quality of life and dignity in their professions, such as: paid vacation, guarantee fund, unemployment insurance, minimum wage, 13th salary, social security and social assistance, among others.

Other social labor guarantees provide for the right of workers to organize and join unions and associations, in addition to being able to strike and debate class issues freely.

See also the meanings of Civil right it's from Dignity of human person.

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